Improving Your Loved One's Nursing Home Experience
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Improving Your Loved One's Nursing Home Experience

A few years ago, I realized that my dad needed to move into a care facility instead of living with us. He was always depressed and he needed to be around more people his own age. It was a really difficult decision, but after we moved him into a care facility, he really blossomed. It was great to see him happy, healthy, and enjoying things on his own. This blog is here to help other people to enjoy their own lives and to care for loved ones who need special assistance. I know that with the help of assisted living, everyone can enjoy a better life.

Improving Your Loved One's Nursing Home Experience

Dementia Care: How To Tell Your Parent Needs It

Nora Jones

Unfortunately, dementia is not a condition that improves much with age, nor does it improve well overall with medication or treatment. The best thing to do once dementia has been discovered in a parent is to make sure they have the care they need, which can be one-on-one dementia care in their own home or periodic care from a physician or home treatment aide.

Your loved one may live with some form of dementia for years before it's either discovered or treated in a major way. It's up to you to care for your parent if they are refusing to get make sure they get the help they need. Here are signs your parent needs dementia care or needs to go to a dementia care center for their own health and well-being.

Your parent's significant other is overwhelmed 

Even if your parent has a significant other taking care of them, they may need additional help. It's often the children or spouses of people with dementia that are the most overwhelmed and overlooked. This is bad in two ways: first, your dementia parent is not getting the care they need, and second, your parent's significant other is also struggling. You can get dementia care for your parent so the whole family at home can be more relaxed.

Your parent is becoming agitated or aggressive

As dementia progresses, it causes confusion and agitation in the affected person. This can cause them to lash out at the people they love and know most, partly because they have moments of clarity that make them realize how far they have really gone.

Much of the time, agitation and aggression have no main target but can get more dangerous with time. You need to have an intervention with your loved one via dementia care to help them feel more in control and to protect your loved ones around them. Dementia care can teach your loved ones how to manage their symptoms more, recognize when they are mentally slipping, and learn to feel more at ease as they transition from different phases in their dementia. At the very least, a dementia care center can help your loved one in ways you cannot because their staff understands the ways dementia patients need care and can anticipate their needs.

If you have concerns about a loved one with new or advanced dementia, see if dementia care can be helpful. You can get the answers you need from your loved one's physician or dementia care specialist.
